A Sobering Revelation to Recalibrate Your Relationship with God

By Steve Carpenter

I’ve always been drawn to the writings of Asaph. He has a panoramic view of Israel’s history, and as an intercessor, he yearns for Israel’s fullness. Like David, Asaph is both poet and prophet. Psalm 50 is one of the twelve psalms that Asaph wrote, his others are Psalm 73-83. There is profound revelation here in Psalm 50. In short, God first establishes Himself as the divine, eternal Judge, then He challenges the righteous and confronts the wicked with the complete sovereignty of His justice system. He then clearly expresses what He really desires and requires from us.


Verses 1-6 give seven foundational characteristics of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

  1. He is the Mighty One. (He is the Creator, the Designer and the Maker of all things.)

  2. He is the Lord. (He is the Master, the Commander, and the Ruler of all.)

  3. He speaks. (He is involved, He is engaged, and He communicates to all of His creation.)

  4. He calls out to all the people on earth. (His sound has gone out throughout the whole earth. All mankind is without excuse. He desires that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance.)

  5. He will shine forth out from Zion. (He has chosen a place and a people through which He has displayed His purpose.)

  6. He shall come and not be silent. (His silence is not a signal of His absence. He is coming and every eye will see Him.)

  7. He will judge all the people on earth. (There is day of reckoning coming for everyone who has ever lived. All mankind will give an account for every word and every deed done in this life.)


First, He says, “gather My people.” He calls them, “My saints.” He says, “All those who have made a covenant with Me. I want to speak to you.”

Verses 7-13 are God’s message to His own people.

He is saying, “I am God, your God! I’m not going to rebuke you for your continual sacrifices, but you’re missing the point. If I was hungry, I wouldn’t tell you. I’m not that interested in your animal sacrifices, even though I instructed you to offer them. Everything belongs to Me anyway. What I’m actually interested in is you. I’m after something much deeper and much more personal than external sacrifices. I want something from your heart, not just your hands. I want an intimate, honest, loving relationship with you.”

Verses 14-15

To those who say they are My people, this is what God says He wants from you: 

  1. I want you to thank Me with a sincere and honest heart.

  2. I want you to show Me your gratitude by keeping your promises out of love for Me.

  3. I want you to honor Me by really trusting Me when you are in trouble.

  4. I want you to call out to Me and let Me rescue and deliver you.

  5. I want you to stop running to substitute sources that can never satisfy you.

He says, “Let Me love you, let Me rescue you and let Me deliver you. This is how you will glorify Me.” 

It’s much more simple than we make it at times. Acknowledging our need for Him is something He really likes. He’s not expecting us to be our own saviors and find our own solutions. He wants us to want Him. He wants to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to Him. He’s really good at being God and He really works for those who wait for Him.


Verses 16-21 are addressed to those who disregard God and willfully live disinterested and disconnected from His ways.  

He starts by a very confrontative question. God says, “What right do you have to take My words and My covenant promises in your mouth when you yourself are unteachable, despise My instruction and disregard my words by your continual disobedience?” In other words, why are you quoting scriptures when you are determined to live in defiance of My ways? Whew! That’s pretty intense.

Then, He outlines a few examples of their sinister motives and sinful behavior. He says, this is what you do: You partner with thieves, you participate in adultery, you have a lifestyle of lies and deceive people with your words, and you even slander your brothers and those from among your own household. 

He concludes with this sobering insight. “And because I have been silent for awhile, you mistakenly think that I am just like you, minimizing and overlooking all wrong doing. But I’m going to hold you accountable and rebuke you. I will lay out all your evil deeds before you and let you consider them before Me, the God of All Justice.” Don’t be deceived. The arrogance of man has an expiration date.

This final part is really amazing. God still holds out an option for mercy, even in light of the overwhelming evidence of guilt. He is basically offering deserved destruction or potential deliverance. 

He says, your guilt is clear and your judgement is certain, but this is another option I am extending to you:

  1. Give Me praise.

  2. Change your ways.

  3. You will see My salvation.

Psalms 89:14 says, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face.”

Psalm 50 is a very clear and concise example of mercy and truth going before His face. I’m not sure where you are at today, but the revelation in this psalm outlines a pretty clear path for everyone of us to personally connect much more honestly with our Creator. I suggest that we all choose wisely. I know that I am. ❤️